Wednesday, June 2, 2021

e-Newsletter - May 2021

From HoD’s Desk:

During offline teaching, before the pandemic, the month of May used to be the month of examinations for students and the month of industrial training, paper assessment, and vacation for faculties. This pandemic has changed the complete academic schedule of the University and thereby institute. In May, we conducted practical/oral examinations of Semester I of SE and TE and continued teaching of Semester II for BE. After that, a separate slot for conducting only practical sessions of Semester II was scheduled for all, of course in online mode, which we find difficult for some subjects. Faculties prepared videos of practical sessions and shared them with students. 
Although we are off-track, University is trying to complete all the academic activities of this academic year 2020-21 by the end of June, at least for SE, TE, and BE. The priority is for Final Year students, as they will be having their MS, M.Tech, MBA admissions, company joining's, joining competitive exam classes, etc.
This month, faculties were also busy in achieving targets set to achieve Quality Objectives decided by IQAC. In all, everything was smooth and full of learnings for both faculties and students. 

Department Events:

अभियांत्रिकी शिक्षण हिच बदलत्या काळाची गरज: डॉ राजेंद्र तातेड (माजी प्रो-व्हाईस चांसलरआणि कॉर्पोरे टट्रेनर)

के. के. वाघअभियांत्रिकी शिक्षण व संशोधन संस्थेच्या विद्युत अभियांत्रिकी विभागातर्फे आयोजित करण्यात आलेल्या व्याख्यानातून डॉ.राजेंद्र तातेड यांनी अभियांत्रिकी शिक्षण हिच बदलत्या काळाची गरज आहे हे विचार विद्यार्थी व पालक यांच्या पर्यंत पोहोचविण्याचा प्रयत्न केला. या आव्हानात्मक आणि बदलत्या जगात अभियांत्रिकी हे सर्वात आवश्यक क्षेत्र आहे. अभियांत्रिकीची प्रत्येक शाखा समाजाला हातभार लावताना महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका बजावते. शिक्षणाच्या या क्षेत्राचे महत्त्व जगभरात जाणवते. सध्याच्या जगात आपण अभियांत्रिकी तंत्रज्ञानामुळे अस्तित्वात आहोत. अभियांत्रिकी पद्धती स्वीकारल्याशिवाय कोणताही देश यशस्वी होणार नाही. आपल्या जगात अभियांत्रिकीचे महत्त्व असंख्य आहे. विविध प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्तिमत्त्वे सर डॉ. एम. विश्वेश्वरय्या, डॉ. . पी. जे. अब्दुल कलामयांनी समाजाला आकार देण्यासाठी एक आश्वासक अभियंता म्हणून आपले आयुष्य व्यतीत केले आहे आणि आजच्या २१ व्या शतकात जेथे जग इंटरनेटवर अवलंबून आहे. आपल्या नाविन्यपूर्ण कल्पनांसाठी प्रसिद्ध असलेले अभियांत्रिकी प्रतिभावंत सुंदर पिचाई यांनी क्रोम ब्राउझरच्या प्रक्षेपणामागील सूत्रधार म्हणून आपले बहुमूल्य योगदान दिलेआहे. या क्षेत्रात प्रचंड संधी उपलब्ध आहेत असा सल्ला डॉ. तातेड़ यांनी दिला. या व्याख्यानाचा आस्वाद घेण्यासाठी साधारण ५०० जणांनी आपला सहभाग नोंदविला व व्याख्यानाचा आनंद घेतला.  

Leader Talk Series: 

Department has started the new activity, 'Leader-Talk' Series. In this, industry professionals, entrepreneurs, technology developers, employers, etc. will be called and a group of students will interview them. This will provide an opportunity for every individual student to interact with professionals and learn/acquire various corporate and professional skills. The 1st session was by Shri. Sandip Kulkarni, Sr. Manager, CGPISL, Aurangabad on ‘Graduate’s Journey: From Campus to Corporate’. A brief about it is given below. 

Interview of Shri. Sandeep Kulkarni, Sr. Manager, CGPISL, Aurangabad on ‘Graduate’s Journey: From Campus to Corporate’:

Shri. Sandeep Kulkarni was interviewed by a group of students from Final Year on “Graduate's Journey: From Campus to Corporate” on 29th May 2021. Students asked various questions related to career development, corporate culture, professional ethics, training, and placement, etc. This was a unique opportunity for all the students to understand the professional journey of a graduate from institute to industry. Total 147 students attended the session on the Go-To-Webinar platform. The session was concluded by sharing upcoming opportunities in the field of electrical engineering with students. The session was coordinated by Samiksha Yawalkar, Neha Patil, Gauri Wagh, Abhijit Upasani of Final Year. 

Student Corner:

Placement of the students:

The following students are placed in various multinational companies. Congratulations to all the placed students!

Sr. No.

Name of the Student

Placement Date


Gauri Rajendra Wagh



Anuj Vinod Nandapurkar



Sushil Kishor Ghotekar


Online Felicitation of the Placed Students:

Online felicitation of the placed students was done in the presence of their parents and relatives. A list of the students felicitated online is given below.

Sr. No.

Name of the Student

Felicitation Date


Shruti Sunil Wakchoure



Aakash Vilas Borse



SohamDhananjay Dixit



Shubhangi SubhashPatil



Prasad Narendra Patil



Saurabh Vijay Mirge



Suman Saurabhkumar Sarojkumar



Dynaneshwar Ramprasad Kale



Gauri Rajendra Wagh



Anuj Vinod Nandapurkar


Faculty Corner:

Courses Completed by Faculties:

The following courses are completed by faculties in May 2021.




Name of Course

Name of the staff




Coursera Course Completion


Emotional and Social Intelligence

Snehal Sagare

4 week


Emotional and Social Intelligence

Shah Jaydeep

4 week


Self Awareness and the Effective Leader

Ravindra Munje

5 week


Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

Pranav Jaisingpure

7 week


Motors and Motor Control Circuits

Ganesh Jadhav

5 week


Architecting Smart IoT Devices

Mohan Thakre

5 week


Communication Strategies for a Virtual Age

Merin John

4 week


Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success

Merin John

2 week


Model Thinking

Omkar Buwa

12 week


English for Common Interactions in the Workplace: Basic Level

Jitendra Patil

4 week


Personal Effectiveness

Shubhada Borade

1 week


The science of Well Being

Shubhada Borade

10 week


Be Your Best Creative Self

Shubhada Borade

3 week


Self Effective and Effective Leader

Puja Wable

5 week


Business Writing

Jyoti Vadje

5 week


The science of Well Being

Ghumare Jayashree

10 week

Other FDP and Course Completion


IEEE Internship Program on EV Design using MATLAB

Omkar Buwa

2 week


FDP on Smart Practices towards Tomorrow’s Electric Power Paradigm

Omkar Buwa

1 week


ATAL FDP on Innovative Techniques for Teaching and Research

Jitendra Patil

1 week


FDP on Role of Supporting Staff in NBA Accreditation Process & Self Development


1 week


Development of Online Courses on Udemy Platform:

1. Prof. N. N. Jangle has developed an Online Course on ‘Numerical Techniques for Solution of Transcendental Equation’ on the Udemy Platform.

2. Prof. J. P. Shah has developed an Online Course on ‘Smart Grid Technologies’ on the Udemy Platform.

Faculty as a Resource Person:

1. Prof. J. P. Shah has delivered a session on 'Space Exploration and Career Opportunities' at Koneru Lakshamaiah Education Foundation, Andhra Pradesh on 27th May 2021. 

Alumni Corner:

Felicitation of Alumni (2000 and 2001 batch) in November 2021:

Dear alumni (2000 and 2001 batch), in November 2021, we planned to conduct a felicitation of you all. This year you will be completing 20 years of graduation. To make this graduation memorial we would like to felicitate each one of you on the big forum (many be online or offline as time permits) in the presence of all the department faculties, Principal, and your own family members. Also, we would like to develop a Souvenir of your class. The related information for developing a Souvenir will be collected from you by our Alumni Coordinators (Prof. J. P. Shah and Prof. S. S. Khairnar). Your inputs and suggestions leading to the successful planning of this event will be highly appreciated. We will keep posting the planning progress of this event in our upcoming e-Newsletters from time to time.

Alumni Support:

Dear Alumni, during this Pandemic situation, lasting for almost two years, it is becoming very difficult for Department to approach the industry for placement, internships, industry training, support for expert guidance and undergraduate project, etc. We believe that we have strong bonding and is increasing and strengthening day by day. To make this, even more, stronger we appeal to you to come forward and share the openings at your firm, company, office and offer a change to our students. Please find below given Google Forms for sharing your support with us. Our T&P coordinators Prof. Omkar Buwa and Prof. Rupali Ahire will approach you. Thank You! 


Alumni Registration Link   

Alumni support for Placement

Alumni Achievements

Department in News:

The following news was published in the Dainik Gaonkari on 18th May 2021 about the Session of Dr. R. G. Tated. 


Content in the e-Newsletter is compiled by Prof. Dr. R. K. Munje. Suggestions and inputs leading to the improvement of this newsletter are highly welcomed. Please write on,,

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