Tuesday, March 1, 2022

e-Newsletter - January 2022

From HoD’s Desk


Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy new year!!

As we step into a new year, we wish and pray that we find an end to the challenges of Covid-19 and find a return in normalcy in our teaching-learning and academic activities in the coming year. As we sit and reflect on the past year, it seems 2021 has been a year of two halves. If the first half was about online teaching, the second half was about offline teaching. However, all the examinations were conducted in an online mode. 2021 has been a year of perseverance and patience, and none other than the students of K. K. Wagh have demonstrated it so well.  

Despite the challenges in the past year, we have been successful in continuing our journey in imparting quality technical education and making students ready for the industry. Each class and division of our department has worked towards its goal of achieving academic excellence. We look forward to working hard at all fronts for the overall development of the students and Department to take our institutes to higher heights. Let us connect, engage and collaborate towards our common goal of developing our institute and ecosystem.

Once again have a safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year! 

Department Events

Mini-Project Competition (8th January 2022)

Department of Electrical Engineering in association with IET Nashik Local Network and EFFECT Student Body has successfully organized a mini-project competition on 8th January 2022. Total 26 projects were registered for the competition out of which 20 projects are presented by students. The chief guest and the project evaluator for this project competition was Shri. Subhash Anokar, Deputy Executive Engineer, MSETCL. The inauguration of the project competition and exhibition was done with the hands of Shri. Anokar in the presence of Principal, Dr. K. N. Nandurkar and Incharge Head of the Department, Dr. Munje. The mini-project competition was coordinated by Prof. Saravanan. The whole event was conducted following COVID-19 Guidelines.

Session on “Strategic Planning for GATE in Electrical Engineering” by Shri. Sanket Shahane (15th January 2022)

Shri. Sanket Shahane has delivered a session on Strategic Planning for GATE in Electrical Engineering on 15th January 2022 from 3.30 pm onwards for the students who are preparing and planning for the GATE examination 2022. This session was coordinated by Prof. B. V. Deshmukh and Prof. P. P. Raut. The session was attended by around 70 students. At the end of the session, Mr. Sanket answered all the questions raised by the students related to the plan of study. He also shared his experience of M.Tech at SVNIT, Surat. 

Expert session on “Designing of Cable Testing and Monitoring” by Shri. Rahul Pote (22nd January 2022)

Shri. Rahul Pote, System Design Engineer, Siemens, Banglore has delivered a session on ‘Cable Testing and Monitoring’ on 22nd January 2022 from 3.30 pm onwards for the students of Second Year. This session was coordinated by Prof. B. V. Deshmukh. The session was attended by around 110 students. The session was well appreciated by the students.
Grand Alumni Meet (22nd January 2022)
The Grand alumni meet was conducted on 22nd January 2022 at the department followed by the institute-level meeting. Around 28 alumni from the department attended the meeting. All the alumni gave suggestions for the curriculum enrichment, training and placement enhancement, and overall development of the Department. The alumni meet was coordinated by Prof. S. S. Khairnar and Prof. J. P. Shah. 

Parents Meet (31st January 2022)

First-Year Parent’s meet was organized on 31st January 2022 at 3.30 pm at the institute-level to provide the guidelines about the teaching-learning process, academic calendar, examination, etc. The meeting was addressed by Principal, Dr. K. N. Nandurkar, Dean academic Dr. S. Y. Kute, FE Coordinator, and Science Head of the Department. After this, the meeting was split into department-wise Parent Meet. For Electrical Department, Divisions G and P, around 24 parents were present. During this Department level meeting, the Head of the Department, Dr. R. K. Munje briefed about the department and then Prof. S. S. Khairnar briefed about FE teaching. The queries of all the parents are addressed during this meeting. Parents have shown satisfaction with the department's teaching-learning process.  

Guidance on Outcome-Based Education by Prof. B. N. Chaudhari (27th January 2022)
Prof. B. N. Chaudhari, Principal, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Guided department faculty members on Outcome-Based Education philosophy on 27th January 2022 on the online platform Google Meet. He interacted with all the faculty members of the department. He also answered all the queries raised by faculty members about the implementation of the outcome-based strategy in the department. 

Student Corner

Student Placement

The following students are placed in various multinational companies in January 2022. Congratulations to all the students!

Placed Students Details (January 2022)

Sr. No.

Name of the Student

Placement Date

Package LPA



Shashikant Valmikrao Bhujade


3.3 lacs



Aditi Sanjay Narkhede


4 Lacs



Prathmesh Ulhas Kulkarni


4 Lacs



Saurabh Avinash Kamble


4 Lacs



Sayali Satish Ingale


4 Lacs



Sameer Sunil Dhande

Dec 2021

3 lacs



Sujay Balu Choukhande


4 Lacs



Trupti Prakash Bharamgunde


4 Lacs



Aishwarya Prashant Birari


3.5 Lacs



Tanuja Dattappa Nagthane


3.5 Lacs


Student Felicitation 

The following students are felicitated for their placement in various multinational companies in January 2022. Congratulations to all the students!

Placed Students Felicitation Details (January 2022)

Sr. No.

Name of the Student


Package LPA

Felicitation Date


Sonar Ritik Rajendra


3.1 lacs



Padher Sharad Radhakisan


3.1 lacs



Shashikant Valmikrao Bhujade


3.3 lacs



Aditi Sanjay Narkhede


4 Lacs



Gosavi Aditya Rajendra


3.1 lacs



Sonawane Sakshi Sanjay


3.1 lacs



Shinde Apurva Sanjay


3.5 lacs



Sameer Sunil Dhande


3.0 lacs



Sujay Balu Choukhande


4 Lacs



Winners of Mini-Project Competition

Winners of the mini-project competition conducted on 8th January 2022 are given below. Congratulations to all the winners.



Name of Students

Prize Amount

First Prize

Sidhesh Suryavanshi and Tejas Palde

Rs. 1500/-

Second Prize

Harshad Bhavasar and Aditya Chaukate

Rs. 1200/-

Third Prize

Gauri Chavanke and Gayatri Ohal

Rs. 1000/-

Consolation Prize

Saurabh Vishwakarma

Rs. 500/-


The prize amount is given through EFFECT Student Body. All the prizes are given in the hands of Project Evaluator Shri. Subhash Anokar.

Faculty Corner

Faculty Publications

  1. Prof. Saravanan published a paper titled “Evaluation and Improvement of a Transformer-less High-Efficiency DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications Employing a Fuzzy Logic Controller” in Mapan-journal of metrology society of India, Springer in January 2022.
  2. Dr. R. K. Munje published a research paper titled “Project-Based Learning: Teaching Methodology to Impart Knowledge and Skills” in Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Year: 2022, Volume: 35, Issue: Special Issue 1, Pages: 326-333
  3. In December 2021, a paper was published by Dr. R. K. Munje in the International Journal of Automation and Computing, Springer with Prof. Weidong Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai. Preprint of the same journal was received in January 2022. This was appreciated by Principal, Dr. K. N. Nandurkar. 

Faculty Participation

  1. Dr. R. K. Munje attended the 9th International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education organized by Indo-Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE) from 7th Jan to 9th Jan 2022
  2. Dr. R. K. Munje delivered an online session on ‘KKWIEER-IDEA Lab’ on 22nd January 2022 in Grand Alumni Meet. 
  3. Prof. G. N. Jadhav is deputed for Ph.D. coursework at SVNIT Surat from 1st January for the next 6 months. 

Student Articles

Solid-State Battery

Pranjal Jain, TE (Electrical) Div. B (pranjaljain.1112.rj@gmail.com) 

Solid-state batteries are low-cost batteries totally based on solid electrolytes that are inflammable and have a long cycle life with a high volumetric energy density and speedy rates of charge and discharge. Solid-state batteries use glass, ceramic and other solid materials as an electrolyte.

Market research companies expect that Electric Vehicles (EVs) will replace internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), become the mainstream in the auto industry and have the potential to become the leader in the market. EV should have a similar level of mileage as the current ICEV and for that increment in the battery capacity is vital. Well, there are two ways to enhance capacity. The first is by increasing the number of batteries. However, batteries will take a lot of space in the vehicle and also it will directly affect the prices of EVs. A solid-state battery has a higher energy density than a Li-ion battery that uses liquid electrolyte solution. It does not have a risk of explosion, so there is no need to have components for safety. We have more space to put more active materials, which increases battery capacity in the battery. A solid-state battery can increase energy density per unit area since less number of batteries are needed. For that reason, a solid-state battery is perfect to procure an EV battery system of modules and pack, which needs high capacity. The solid-state battery can provide three times the energy density and hence the idea of using an alkali metal anode (Lithium, Sodium, or Potassium) came as a blessing. It enhances the energy density of the cathode and delivers a long life cycle.

                                                       Fig 1. Structure of batteries


What users are most worried about the lithium-ion battery is its safety. As lithium-ion battery uses liquid electrolyte in which the main ingredient is ethylene carbonate which is flammable. It has a risk of battery damage such as swelling caused by temperature change or leakage caused by an external force. To prevent this we need devices or components that can improve safety. However, a solid-state battery with solid electrolyte improved stability with a solid structure and increased safety since it maintains the form even if the electrolyte is damaged. A solid-state electrolyte is non-combustible or at least resistant to self-ignition which reduces the risk of thermal runaway, allowing for a tighter packaging of the cells and consequently improving the design flexibility and volumetric density.

The challenges in improvement are converting the insertion or deposition of the solid electrolytes to a method that is well suited with the latest manufacturing practices, all without affecting the durability or cost of the final product even as including benefits such as better energy and power density, increased safety and higher throughput. Current technology would not be able to make the development required for the less expensive electric vehicle. They may be attractive but far more costly because of the rate of the battery, as the battery is the bulk of the vehicle cost. Toyota appears to be preparing to scale up to mass production relatively soon. Samsung SDI is currently working on developing the solid-state battery with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung R&D Institute Japan and others. The study of the technology that increases life cycle and safety and reduces the size of a solid-state battery is necessary for their curriculum. Quantumscape (QS) is a solid-state battery manufacturer which was founded in 2010 to develop scalable, effective solid-state batteries. Quantumscape has established itself as one of the global leaders in solid-state battery development. In December 2020, the battery developer used ceramic as a separator and announced a major breakthrough in its technology. Quantumscape has new information showcasing a further development of its solid-state batteries, whose cells have completed 400 consecutive 15-minute fast-charge cycles, replenishing from 10% to 80% capacity at the same time and still maintaining over 80% of the initial strength. As a pioneer of this type of battery technology, Quantumscape ensures that it can revolutionize the charging time of EVs with a much more low level at station fill-ups and ultimately promote the EV technology. Along with these, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd., Automotive Cells Co with Total Energies, Ford Motor Co (F.N), and BMW AG (BMWG.DE) working on solid-state batteries.


Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems

Vedika Dharaskar, BE (Electrical), Div. A (vedika.dharaskar@gmail.com

Introduction: Artificial Intelligence is one of the latest technology, having the abilities like decision making, solving problems by reasoning, heuristics, and judgment, rectifying mistakes. This term was coined by McCarthy in 1956. Artificial intelligence is known to be the intelligence exhibited by machines and software. AI can be used, when the problems are difficult or cannot be solved by human intellect. The use of artificial intelligence technology can significantly improve the efficiency of electrical automation control, and further, expand the scope of electrical automation control applications.

AI Techniques: The two main techniques are Fuzzy Logic and Artificial neural network. The term fuzzy refers to things that are not clear or are vague. It helps to represent the state with a degree. The membership function helps determine the degree of the state. The value of the membership function is between 0 to 1. Fuzzy systems are similar to human decision making they have the ability to produce exact and accurate solutions from certain or even approximate information and data.

Input Layer: The main function of input layer is to transmit the signal to other units without any modification in data and information.

Hidden Layers: The hidden layer is not directly visible. They provide the ability to map or classify the problems.

Output Layer: They encode the possible values to allocate the case under consideration. 

Artificial Neural networks are inspired by biological neurons. ANN consists of artificial neurons whose function is as similar as biological neurons. The function of an artificial neuron is to transmit signals from one neuron to the other as well as process it. ANN consists of three layers as follows:

AI in Power system: Let us consider a transmission line, if there is any fault it is detected by the fault detector and transmitted to the fuzzy system. The input to the fuzzy system is the angular difference between fault and pre-fault current phasors. Fuzzy systems help to obtain the crisp output and fault type.                                                

ANN is used to sense environmental conditions, which is an input to Expert systems. The computer programs help to determine the line parameters. The ANNs change the value of line parameters in the given range based on environmental conditions. They are trained with algorithms. The neural networks are further tested and performance is evaluated. If the evaluated performance is not according to the required standard, the numbers of neurons are varied in each layer. Hence, fuzzy systems can be used for fault diagnosis and ANNs can be used to improve the performance of the line.

AI is also used in the planning of power system generation, power system reliability, transmission expansion planning, reactive power planning. They can also be implemented for control in the power system that is voltage control, stability control, power flow control, load frequency control.


[1]   Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems by R.Pasupathi Nath, V.Nishanth Balaji. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727.

[2]   ANN image- Open Source 

About Newsletter


Content in the e-Newsletter is checked and compiled by Newsletter Committee. Suggestions and inputs leading to the improvement of this newsletter are highly welcomed. Please write on engg-hod-elct@kkwagh.edu.in. 

Newsletter Committee

Chief Editor:               Dr. Ravindra K. Munje, Professor and I/C HoD, Electrical Department

Student Editors:        Anuj Paul (BE-A)

    Vedika Dharaskar (BE-A)
              Sharvari Phase (BE-A)
              Abhishek Jadhav (BE-A)
              Rutuja Kapile (BE-A)
              Vaibhav Dhanokar (TE-A)
              Huzaif Sayyed (TE-A) 

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e-Newsletter-January 2025

HOD's Message  Dear Students, Faculty, and Readers, As we step into 2025 with renewed enthusiasm, I take immense pride in reflecting on ...