Sunday, July 16, 2023

e-Newsletter - June 2023

Department Events

Expert lecture on “Career in Aviation Field for Electrical Engineers” by Mr. Arvind Bhole

An Expert lecture in Association with the EFFECT Student Body has been arranged by the electrical department on “Career in Aviation Field for Electrical Engineers” for FE (N) students and staff of the department on 21/6/2023. The resource person was Mr. Arvind Bhole, Retired, Air India HR Manager. Total No. of Students present = 54, this lecture helped students to acquire knowledge related to careers in the aviation field.

Celebration of IEEE Power Electronics Day

Department of Electrical Engineering has celebrated the IEEE Power Electronics Day on 20th June 2023 by organizing project presentations on topics based on Power Electronics. A total of 12 groups participated in this activity. The presentations were evaluated by Mr. Rahul Patil, R&D Manager from Crompton Greaves Ltd., Nashik, and Dr. Pawan Tapre, from SND College of Engineering, Yeola, Nashik. 

Parents Meeting

The Department of Electrical Engineering has conducted a Parents Meeting for the students of F.Y. B.Tech (Electrical) on 24th June 2023. Parents have appreciated the efforts taken by the Department.

Student Corner

Student Placement

The following students are placed in various multinational companies in June 2023 Congratulations to all the students!

Sr. No.

Name of the Student

Placement Date



Joshi Siddhesh Rajendra




Suryavanshi Swapnil Madhusudan




Harshvardhan Moon



Students Felicitation

Ms. Pallavi Jadhav was felicitated with her parents for getting placed in a multinational company with the hands of Prof. Nayana Jangle and Mrs. Shubhada Borade on 23rd June 2023 at their residence. 


The following students from the F.Y. B.Tech (Div N- Electrical) are felicitated for the highest marks in the Semester I examination with the hands of Dr. A. C. Pawar, Dr. S. S. Naik, Prof. N. N. Jangle and Prof. A. S. Khaire.

1. Ms. Sakshi Mohan Gargate (77.78%) 

2. Ms. Pranali Subhash Aware (76%)

3. Mr. Harshal Lalitkumar Mistry (75.26%) 


Felicitation of the FY B.Tech Students (Division O) for outstanding performance in the Semester I Examination in the presence of Prof. Dr. A. C. Pawar, Dr. Ansari, and Prof. Suman Kahandal. The names of the students are.

1. Mr. Harshada Mahesh Chavan (81.48%) 

2. Ms. Arati Suresh Taskar (78.96%)

3. Mr. Yash Suresh Radke (76.59 %)


1. A Project Group of  Tejas Rayate, Pranjal Jain, Vrushali Bangar, and Pankaj Rathod received the consolation prize of Rs. 2000/- in the Final Year Project Exhibition Cum Contest organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the Institute on 19th May 2023. The project was guided by Prof. A. M. Shewale.

2. A Project Group of  Bagal Vishal, Prayag Shreyash, Shinde Naresh, and Suryavanshi Swapnil received the First Prize of Rs. 10000/- in the Final Year Project Exhibition Cum Contest organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the Institute on 19th May 2023. The project was guided by Prof. Abhishek Srivastava.

IQAC Student Member Felicitation!

Congratulations to Ms. Surbhi Sable (BE Electrical Div B) for getting felicitated as a student member of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the institute with the hands of Hon. Director Dr Keshav Nandurkar on 20th June 2023. She was an active member for the last two years.


The institute-level sports prize distribution for the academic year 2022-23 was organized on 17th June 2023 and the following students of the department are felicitated with the hands of Ms. Kavita Raut,  an Indian long-distance runner from Nashik, Maharashtra. The names of the students felicitated are as follows.

A. International and Inter-University Participation

1. Nilesh Balu Gaikwad (BE-Electrical, Para-Badminton)

2. Yash Navath Nikam (BE-Electrical, Fencing (Men))

B. Inter-Group Participation

1. Tejale Sahil (TE-Electrical, Swimming)

C. Inter-Collegiate Winners

1. Shraddha Jadhav (BE-Electrical, Table Tennis Winner)

Maffick Individual Winners

1.      Sardhak Jadhav and Prathamesh Gaikwad (TE-Electrical, Boys Double Carrom Winners)

Farewell Function for the Final Year students of 2022-23

The department has organized a farewell function for the Final Year students of the 2022-23 batch on 17th June 2023. The department wishes them for their future professional life.

Faculty Corner


Congratulations to Prof Ganesh Jadhav for receiving the certificate of appreciation for being recognized as the NPTEL Discipline Star. 

Admission Awareness

The First Year Engineering admission awareness seminar was conducted on 14th June 2023 at Jalgaon. Dr. Ravindra Munje provided the complete overview of the admission process, Dr P D Dhake provided information on K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research and Prof Jitendra Patil addresses all the queries of parents and aspiring students and proposed a vote of thanks.

Students Publications

Shraddha Kurle, Rinku Pawar, N.N. Jangle, Dhanashri Sonawane, Payal Suryawanshi, “Development of Automatic Solar Panel Cleaning System” Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 2. DOI:

Archana Pawar, Ganesh Jadhav, Abhishek Shrivastava, Mohan Thakre “DC-DC vs. AC-AC Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Electric Vehicles”  International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), ISSN: 2319-7064

Jayashree Ashok Ghumare, Ganesh Jadhav “Enhancing Microgrid Stability through a Hybrid Virtual Synchronous Machine Topology” Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Volume 11, Issue VI, June 2023

Amruta Narendra Wagh , Ravindra. K. Munje, Abhishek Srivastava, Mohan P. Thakre “ Amplitude Based Pilot Protection for Transmission Line” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 11 Issue VI Jun 2023.

Aishwarya Korade, Ganesh Jadhav, Abhishek Shrivastava, Mohan Thakre “Employing PSO Approach to Minimize Total Harmonic Distortion in a PV-Based Inverter Systems” International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 5. DOI: 10.21275/SR23514172542

Rohan Wasu, Prajwal Lokhande, Prashant Chaudhari, Yogendra Dhangar “Design And Development Of Air Purification Unit For Improving Air Quality” International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Faculty Publications

Press coverage of the article written by Prof. Dr. Ravindra Munje (Professor and I/C Head of Department, Department of Electrical Engineering, K.  K.  Wagh Engineering Institute of Education and Research, Nashik). In this article, he widely talks about Electric Vehicles and their current market scenario.

Alumni Felicitation

Felicitation of Mr. Nikhil Chitnis (2000 batch pass out) and Ashwini Ghayal-Chitnis (2001 batch pass out) for their significant contribution to the Professional Field.


News Papers Coverage

Student Articles:

Manufacturing and Testing of Instrument Transformer

Ohol Gayatri Sanjay

BE-Div. B (2023-2024 Batch), Electrical Engineering

Welcome to the Newsletter on Instrument Transformers, where we will be discussing what are Instruments Transformers, their Manufacturing Process, and Testing of Instrument Transformers.

1. Introduction to Instrument Transformers

Generally, High voltages and currents are quite dangerous to work with & the instrument we use such as Ammeter & Voltmeter cannot handle such a high level of voltage and current. For this specific purpose, instrument transformers are used that reduce it to a safe level allowing continuous monitoring of high voltage and current. CT & PT are manufactured to suit various environmental conditions confirming various standard specifications such as IS 2705, IS 3156, IEC 61869, BS 3839, etc.

CT & PT are the two Instrument transformers used to measure High current and Voltage.

Functions of Current Transformer:

1. To reduce the line current value to a value that is suitable for standard measuring instruments.

2. To protect the measuring instrument against short circuit current.

3. To sense the abnormalities in current

Functions of Potential Transformer:

1. To measure High Alternating Voltage in a Power System

2. Used for protection and measurement purposes in a Power system

Fig.1 Current Transformer Circuit

Fig.2 Potential Transformer Circuit

2. Classification of Instrument Transformer:

Classification based on Insulation:

The type of insulation depends on the voltage level of the Transformer

1. Air Cooled                                      

2. Dry-type Transformer

3. Oil Cooled Transformer

4. Gas filled

Classification based on Voltage level:

1. Low voltage transformer

2. High voltage transformer

Classification based on Construction:

1. Ring type

2. Window type

3. Rectangular bar type

3. Raw Material Required for Manufacturing of Instrument Transformers:

Copper wire, Insulation paper – Kraft paper, Crepe paper, Sandwich paper, fiber glass paper, Semiconducting paper, Mounting plates, Epoxy resin, Core, etc.

4. Manufacturing Process Flow Chart For Instrument Transformer

5. Testing of Instrument Transformer

1. High Voltage (HV) Test

Electrical equipment must be capable of withstanding overvoltages during operation. Thus by suitable testing procedure, we must ensure that this is done. High voltage testing can be broadly classified into testing of insulating materials (samples of dielectrics) and tests on completed equipment. The tests were carried out on samples of dielectric consist generally of the measurement of permittivity, dielectric loss per unit volume, and the dielectric strength of the material.

The breakdown voltage tests on completed equipment are only done on a few samples since it permanently damages and destroys the equipment from further use. However since all equipment has to stand up to a certain voltage without damage under operating conditions, all equipment are subjected to withstand tests on which the voltage applied is about twice the normal voltage, but which is less than the breakdown voltage. 

Fig.3 HV testing

2. Polarity test

The polarity test of the transformer mentions the relative direction of the induced voltage between the HV & LV winding.

Connect the P1 & P2 of test kit to P1 & P2 of CT

Connect the S1 & S2 of test kit to S1 & S2 of CT

If the polarity is Right, the Deflection is on the positive side

If the polarity is wrong, the Deflection is on the left side

Fig. 4 Polarity test Connections

3. Toroidal Core test

We can measure the current of the primary winding and voltage from the secondary winding to find losses, Induction & magnetizing force of the toroidal core.

1. Mains ON

2. Power ON

3. Apply Calculated Voltage

4. Measure Practical Current

5. If the measured current is less than the theoretical current then CT is ok

6. If the measured current is greater than the theoretical current then CT is not ok.

Fig.5 Torridal core test setup


The Instrument transformers are designed so that the ratio of actual voltage or current values to the metered values can be established to the necessary degree of accuracy. Generally Instrument transformers are used for 3 purposes: metering (for energy billing and transaction purposes); protection control (for system protection and protective relaying purposes); and load survey (for economic management of industrial loads).

e-Newsletter-January 2025

HOD's Message  Dear Students, Faculty, and Readers, As we step into 2025 with renewed enthusiasm, I take immense pride in reflecting on ...