Department Events
Expert Session on “Need of Electrical and Electronics in Industry” by Mr. Sanjay Chaudhari
Student Corner
Student Felicitation
The following students are felicitated for their
placement in various multinational companies in October 2022. Congratulations
to all the students!
Students Felicitation Details (October 2022)
Sr. No. |
Name of the Student |
Company |
Felicitation Date |
Batch |
Kasture |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Hiralal Kumavat |
13/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Bharat Barhate |
12/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Narendra Sonawane |
20/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Ramdas Kute |
15/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Sanjana Mukund
Kulkarni |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Babasaheb Khavane |
13/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Devang Vyas |
12/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Hujaifa Jabbar |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
10. |
Sunil Lengole |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
11. |
Rajendra Tungar |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
12. |
Gorakh Bhoir |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
13. |
Ashwin Wagulde |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
14. |
Omkar Hemant
Gumbade |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
15. |
Rajesh Jain |
17/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
16. |
Rahul Ramdas
Shinde |
18/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
17. |
Santosh Wasu |
13/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
Students Achievement:
1. Tarle Roshan Balassheb, 1st Rank and Gold Medalist
2. Mahajan Harshal Kishor, 4th Rank
3. Butale Vaishanavi Ratnakar, 5th Rank
We are extremely delighted to inform that three of our
final year (BE) students are listed as rankers in May 2020 Examination declared
by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
1. Kawale
Akshaykumar Keshav, 2nd Rank
2. Sushant Kolhe,
3rd Rank
3. Enlolu Shreekant
Krinshna, 8th Rank
We are extremely delighted to inform that three of our Third
Year (TE) student is listed as a ranker in May 2020 Examination declared by
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
1. Tarle Roshan Balassheb, 10th Rank
We are extremely delighted to inform that five of our Second year (SE) students are listed as rankers in May 2020 Examination declared by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
1. Patil Kunal Yogesh, 1st Rank
2. Dharaskar Vedika Rajesh, 3rd Rank
3. Bhor Dhanashree Popat, 5th Rank
4. Bhuta Ritesh Manish, 10th Rank
5. Anuj Arpan Paul, 10th Rank
Student Awards
Students from the Department (Electrical + Mechanical) participated in the "Dr. G Padmanabham Memorial Electric
Two Wheeler Design Competition-2022" on 17th and 18th Oct 2022 at SRM
Institute, Chennai organized by SAE India, and received the following prizes.
Winning Prize details:
1) Overall performance All India Rank second Award (AIR-2):
Rs. 50,000/-
2) Best in Design 3rd Award: Rs. 7,500/-
3) Best Faculty advisor Mentor award to Dr. Matsagar Vilas
Karbhari received Rs. 5000/-
(DST Delhi and SAE
Faculty Corner
Engineering Admissions Awareness Session
Visited Industry for Student Projects
Industry Institute Interaction
Industrial Training/Courses done by staff during October 2022
Name of Faculty |
Title of Event |
Duration |
Type of Event |
Organized by |
Prof. Priya Vyavaharte |
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning |
1 day |
Guest Lecture |
Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology,
Pudukottai |
Faculty Publication
Career Guidance Document
Birth Anniversary
Student Articles:
Effect of harmonics on solar PV
Ishwari Sanjay
Dheple. TE-A (Electrical)
Sun rays will fall on the solar
panel due to the photo voltaic effect. The solar panel will convert sunlight
into DC. DC will go to the inverter then the inverter will convert DC to AC as
we need AC for the external power grid. The main reason for harmonic occurrence
is, we are using high-speed switching while converting the DC waveform into ac
What are Harmonics?
Where do harmonics come from?
The power company
typically supplies a smooth Sinusoidal waveform but nonlinear devices will draw
distorted Waveforms, which are comprised of the harmonics of the source.
When a non-linear load
draws current, it passes through all of the impedance that is between the load
and the system source.
As a result of the
current flow, harmonic
are produced by impedance in the system.
These voltages sum and
when added to the nominal voltage produce voltage distortion.
The magnitude of the
voltage distortion depends on the source impedance and the harmonic voltages
If the source impedance
is low, then the voltage distortion will be low.
If a significant
portion of the load becomes non-linear (harmonic currents increase) and/or
(system impedance increases), the voltage can increase dramatically.
Problems caused by Harmonic Current: -
Source voltage wave
shape distortion.
Overheating (motors,
cables, transformers, neutrals).
Equipment heating
Equipment malfunction
Equipment failure
Conductor heating
Mitigation Techniques: -
Inductive Reactance: -
Method: Add a line reactor
to attenuate harmonics.
Benefits: Low cost and
technically simple.
Tends to offer reductions in only higher-order harmonics. Has little effect on
the 5th and 7th harmonics. Because of the associated
voltage drop, there are limits to the amount of reactance that may be added.
Passive Filters: -
Provide a low-impedance path to the ground for the harmonic frequencies.
May be tuned to a frequency between two prevalent harmonics so as to help
attenuate both.
Tuning the filters may be a labour-intensive process. Filters are difficult to
size because they offer a path for harmonics from any source. Quite sensitive
to any future system changes.
Active Filters: -
Inject equal and opposite harmonics onto the power system to cancel those
generated by other equipment.
Have proven very effective in reducing harmonics well below required levels.
The high-performance inverter required for the harmonic Injection is costly.
Power transistors are exposed to the conditions of the line, so reliability may
be a problem.
· Although the harmonic
problems are very low, the cases in which they do occur can result in
decreasing power system reliability.
· An understanding of the
causes, potential effects, and mitigation means for harmonics can help to
prevent harmonic-related problems at the design stage and reduce the probability
of undesired effects occurring at start-ups.
· It should be kept in
mind that if the harmonic-producing loads are small to the total plant load,
then harmonics are not an issue.
· When the non-linear loads become a substantial portion of the total load, it becomes worthwhile to give some consideration to harmonics.
Aishwarya Joshi TE-Div A (Electrical)
The outbreak of the novel
coronavirus COVID-19 has recently caused widespread concern across China and
worldwide. Early symptoms of the virus include having a fever and a dry cough,
so timely and accurate monitoring of people with a fever in public and shared
spaces can play a significant role in containing the epidemic and ensuring
effective infection control. Traditional thermometers include mercury-in-glass
thermometers, ear or forehead thermometers, and digital thermometers.
Traditional thermometers include mercury-in-glass thermometers, ear or forehead
thermometers, and digital thermometers can cause long queues when used in areas
with a high volume of people, such as at airports, railway stations, and other
public areas, and increased risk of cross-contamination.
1. Introduction
Throwing personal protective equipment
directly into dustbins is more dangerous as it may or may not be handled or
disposed of carefully. Thermal imaging measures skin temperature by using
sensors that detect the infrared energy emitted by people and objects.
Contactless sensors can measure the temperature of people at once, especially
beneficial in busy public areas. This technology will help society to
effectively avoid cross-contamination. Placing personal things into the UV
Smart conveyors ultraviolet light source will be turned on to properly
disinfect the used masks or hand gloves, things like food products can also be
treated using these conveyor belts. This device can also be used for several
other types of personal protective equipment to sanitize and disinfect them
without the use of a single chemical and stop the spread of viruses and
transmitting diseases.
distancing also called “physical distancing,” means keeping a safe space
between yourself and other people who are not from your household. To practice
social or physical distancing, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arm lengths) from
other people who are not from your household in both door and outdoor spaces.
Social distancing should be practiced in combination with other everyday
preventive actions to reduce the 6 spread of COVID-19. The objective is to
reduce transmission, delay the epidemic peak, reduce the size of the epidemic
peak, and spread cases over a longer time to relieve pressure on the healthcare
system.Itisanactiontakentominimisecontactwithotherindividuals.It has been
suggested that maintaining a distance of approximately 2 meters from another
individual results in a marked reduction in transmission of most flu virus
strains, including COVID-19. In practice, this means that avoiding close
proximity to other people will aid in slowing the spread of infectious
diseases. Social distancing is one of the non-pharmaceutical infection control
actions that can stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease.
Figure 1. Block diagram
of thermal screening system
When used
correctly, thermal imaging systems generally have been shown to accurately
measure someone’s surface skin temperature without being physically close to
the person being evaluated. Thermal imaging systems offer certain benefits in
that other methods need closer proximity or contact to measure temperature (for
example, non-contact infrared thermometers or oral thermometers).
Temperature-based screening, such as thermal imaging, is not effective at
determining if someone definitively has COVID-19 because, among other things, a
person with COVID-19 may not have a fever. A diagnostic test must be performed
to determine if someone has COVID-19. Thermal imaging systems are not accurate
when used to take the temperature of multiple people at the same time. The
accuracy of these systems depends on careful set-up and operation, as well as
proper preparation of the person being evaluated. Thermal imaging systems have
been used by several countries during epode Figure 1.
Traditional thermometers include
mercury-in-glass thermometers, ear or forehead thermometers, and digital
thermometers Can cause long queues when used in areas with a high volume of
people, such as at airports, railway stations, colleges, schools, and other
public areas, increased risk of cross-contamination. Thermal imaging measures
skin temperature by using sensors that detect the infrared energy emitted by
people and objects. Contactless sensors can measure the temperature of people
at once, especially beneficial in busy public areas. This technology will help
society to effectively avoid cross-contamination.
this system power supply 230/24V DC is used to power all these components.
Control units with reset and on-off switches are used. For indication purpose,
we have used display, buzzer, and LEDs which shows the person's temp parameter
This system can be implemented in all public places for
automated thermal screening and chemical-free disinfection of things.
· It will be extremely beneficial in public places for isolation of the virus-infected persons from the rest citizens.
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