Saturday, September 10, 2022

e-Newsletter - July 2022

From HoD's Desk

This newsletter provides information on the events and activities that happened in July 2022. The planning of the semester and the academic year, committee formation for various activities and events, activity planning for clubs and student bodies, academic calendar, etc. happened this month with the involvement of all the faculty members. A strategic plan for achieving success on all the fronts of the department in the next five years is prepared and discussed with faculty members for their input and suggestions. The successful implementation of this is now on agenda. 

Department Events

MoU with E-mmortal Automotive Pvt. Ltd., Nashik

Department has signed a MoU with E-mmortal Automotives Pvt. Ltd., Nashik for mutual benefit and collaboration. Mr. Dhaval Tagare, Mr. Omkar Sonawane, Dr. K. N. Nandurkar, Dr. R. K. Munje and Dr. P. K. Shahabadkar were present at the time of signing MoU.

Session on “Converting Innovation in Start-up” by Shri. Puneet Raman (27th July 2022)

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of K. K. Wagh I. E. E. & R., Nashik has organized the session on ‘Converting Innovation into Start-up’ by Shri. Puneet Raman, Founder & Director, Prowisdom Growth Private Limited. On 27th July 2022 at 4.30 pm. The session was coordinated by Prof. Dr. R. K. Munje.

Expert Session on “Engineering Project Guidance” by Mr. John Yesuraj (28th July 2022)

An Expert lecture has been arranged by IET On-Campus of the Electrical Department on Engineering Project Guidance" for BE students and staff on 28th July 2022. The session has been delivered by “Mr. John YesurajGeneral Manager, CG Power and Industrial Solution Ltd., Nashik, India. A total of 117 students attended the session.

Celebration of 'World Nature Conservation Day (28th July)'

Celebration of 'World Nature Conservation Day (28th July 2022)' by EFFECT Student Body of the Department of Electrical Engineering by planting a sapling with the hands of 'Mr. Nilesh Gaikwad (Indian Professional Para-Badminton, World Rank 6)' in the presence of Principal Dr. K. N. Nandurkar, Head of the Department Dr. R. K. Munje, Prof. J. P. Shah, Prof. Ganesh Jadhav, and Dr. M. P. Thakre.

Student Corner

Student Placement

The following students are placed in various multinational companies. Congratulations to all the students!

Placed Students Details (July - 2022)

Sr. No.

Name of the Student

Placement Date



Purane Pratiksha Anand




Sneha Mate




Congratulations to Prasad Rathod (BE Div-A) for completing a pre-final round of the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition 2022.

Project Competition

Students of FE Electrical received 2nd Prize in Institute level project competition for the project on 'Single Axis solar Tracking System'. Students are Shantanu Kurhe, Om Bhabad, Pravin Khalkar, Mayur Bunge. The group was guided by Prof. Abhishek Shrivastava.

Sports Achievement:

On behalf of K. K. Wagh I. E. E. & R., Principal Dr. K. N. Nandurkar felicitated our student, Mr. Nilesh Gaikwad, for remarkable achievements in Para-Badminton- 2022.

Industrial Visit:

Our 35 students of BE (Electrical) visited BOSCH Pune on 30th July 2022 to celebrate BOSCH Day. From the department, the visit was coordinated by Prof. Saravanan. S

Student Publication
11 1. Parth Bhamre, Tejas Deokar, Dhananjay Padvi, Himanshu Patil, & N.N. Jangle. (2022). Development of Speaking System for Mute People using MATLAB and Embedded System. Advancement in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 5(2), 1–9.

2. R. K. Munje, Pratik Warungase, Manish Sarode, Vishal Lohar, & Aniket Mehare. (2022). Developing a Prototype of Smart Crop Protection System from Animals. Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering, 4(2), 1–10.

Alumni Corner:

Congratulations to our Alumnus Mr. Mahesh Patil for securing PG admission at IISc Bangalore.

Faculty Corner:

Faculty Participation

Prof. Nayana Jangle shared her views on using LearniCo in teaching-learning at the 34th Advisory Committee Meeting on 2nd July 2022. She is one of the faculties which is felicitated for the maximum use of LearniCo in TLP. Congratulations to Prof. Jangle.

Prof. Ganesh Jadhav shared his views on creating innovative videos for enhancing the teaching-learning process at the 34th Advisory Committee meeting on 2nd July 2022. He is one of the faculties who is felicitated for creating good-quality videos. Congratulations to Prof. Jadhav.

Article by Dr. Ravindra Munje in Dainik Gavakari (7th July 2022)

Our faculty Dr. Pandry Narendra Rao has completed a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from NIT Kurukshetra on the topic 'Efficient Renewable energy conversion using Multilevel converters' under the guidance of Prof. L. M. Saini. Many many congratulations to him.

Prof. J. P. Shah from the department was felicitated for the significant contribution at the institute level in guiding and mentoring students for the Smart India Hackathon 2022 in the presence of Hon. Chairman Shri. Sameer Wagh, Principal Dr. K. N. Nandurkar, All the Deans, HODs, and R&D coordinators on 29th July 2022.

Farewell to Ms. Jyoti Vadje

Farewell to Ms. Jyoti Vadje from Department. She worked in the Department as Technical Staff for 7 years. Best wishes to her.

Industrial Training/Courses done by staff during July 2022


Name of


Title of Event


Type of


Organized by

Prof. Pooja Sagar Sapkade

Faculty Development Program on "Embedded Product Design "

One week


K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research.

Prof. Snehal Sagare

Faculty Development Program on "Embedded Product Design "

One week


K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research.

Mrs.Shubhada A Borade

Faculty Development Program on "Embedded Product Design ".

One day


K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research.






Student Articles:

                             Flicker fusion threshold                       

Sakshi Madhav Ohol   TE-A (Electrical) (

The flicker fusion thresholdcritical flicker frequency (CFF) or flicker fusion rate, is a concept in the psychophysics of vision. It is defined as the frequency at which an intermittent light stimulus appears to be completely steady to the average human observer. A traditional term for flicker fusion is "persistence of vision", but this has also been used to describe positive afterimages or motion blur. Although flicker can be detected for many waveforms representing time-variant fluctuations of intensity, it is conventionally, and most easily, studied in terms of a sinusoidal modulation of intensity.

Seven parameters determine the ability to detect the flicker:

1.      the frequency of the modulation;

2.      the amplitude or depth of the modulation (i.e., what is the maximum percent decrease in the illumination intensity from its peak value);

3.      the average (or maximum—these can be inter-converted if modulation depth is known) illumination intensity;

4.      the wavelength (or wavelength range) of the illumination (this parameter and the illumination intensity can be combined into a single parameter for humans or other animals for which the sensitivities of rods and cones are known as a function of wavelength using the luminous flux function);

5.      the position on the retina at which the stimulation occurs (due to the different distribution of photoreceptor types at different positions);

6.      the degree of light or dark adaptation, i.e., the duration and intensity of previous exposure to background light, which affects both the intensity sensitivity and the time resolution of vision;

7.      Physiological factors such as age and fatigue.


As long as the modulation frequency is kept above the fusion threshold, the perceived intensity can be changed by changing the relative periods of light and darkness. One can prolong the dark periods and thus darken the image; therefore the effective and average brightness are equal. This is known as the Talbot-Plateau law. Like all psychophysical thresholds, the flicker fusion threshold is a statistical rather than an absolute quantity. There is a range of frequencies within which flicker sometimes will be seen and sometimes will not be seen, and the threshold is the frequency at which flicker is detected in 50% of trials.

Different points in the visual system have very different critical flicker fusion rate (CFF) sensitivities; the overall threshold frequency for perception cannot exceed the slowest of these for a given modulation amplitude. Each cell type integrates signals differently. For example, rod photoreceptor cells, which are exquisitely sensitive and capable of single-photon detection, are very sluggish, with time constants in mammals of about 200 ms. Cones, in contrast, while having much lower intensity sensitivity, have much better time resolution than rods do. For both rod- and cone-mediated vision, the fusion frequency increases as a function of illumination intensity, until it reaches a plateau corresponding to the maximal time resolution for each type of vision. The maximal fusion frequency for rod-mediated vision reaches a plateau at about 15 hertz (Hz), whereas cones reach a plateau, observable only at very high illumination intensities, of about 60 Hz.

In addition to increasing with average illumination intensity, the fusion frequency also increases with the extent of modulation (the maximal relative decrease in light intensity presented); for each frequency and average illumination, there is a characteristic modulation threshold, below which the flicker cannot be detected, and for each modulation depth and average illumination, there is a characteristic frequency threshold. These values vary with the wavelength of illumination, because of the wavelength dependence of photoreceptor sensitivity, and they vary with the position of the illumination within the retina, because of the concentration of cones in central regions including the fovea and the macula, and the dominance of rods in the peripheral regions of the retina.

 Visual phenomena                                          

In some cases, it is possible to see flicker at rates beyond 2000 Hz (2 kHz) in the case of high-speed eye movements (saccades) or object motion, via the "phantom array" effect.[19][20] Fast-moving flickering objects zooming across view (either by object motion or by eye motion such as rolling eyes), can cause a dotted or multicolored blur instead of a continuous blur as if they were multiple objects.[21] Stroboscopes are sometimes used to induce this effect intentionally. Some special effects, such as certain kinds of electronic glowsticks commonly seen at outdoor events, have the appearance of a solid color when motionless but produce a multicolored or dotted blur when waved about in motion. These are typically LED-based glow sticks. The variation of the duty cycle upon the LED(s), results in the usage of less power while the properties of flicker fusion have the direct effect of varying the brightness. When moved, if the frequency of duty cycle of the driven LED(s) is below the flicker fusion threshold timing differences between the on/off state of the LED(s) become evident, and the color(s) appear as evenly spaced points in the peripheral vision.

A related phenomenon is the DLP rainbow effect, where different colors are displayed in different places on the screen for the same object due to fast motion.


Flicker is the perception of visual fluctuations in intensity and unsteadiness in the presence of a light stimulus that is seen by a static observer within a static environment. A flicker that is visible to the human eye will operate at a frequency of up to 80 Hz.

Stroboscopic effect

The stroboscopic effect is sometimes used to "stop motion" or to study small differences in repetitive motions. The stroboscopic effect refers to the phenomenon that occurs when there is a change in perception of motion, caused by a light stimulus that is seen by a static observer within a dynamic environment. The stroboscopic effect will typically occur within a frequency range between 80 and 2000 Hz, though can go well beyond 10,000 Hz for a percentage of the population.

Phantom array

Phantom array, also known as the ghosting effect, occurs when there is a change in the perception of shapes and spatial positions of objects. The phenomenon is caused by a light stimulus in combination with rapid eye movements (saccades) of an observer in a static environment. Similar to the stroboscopic effect, the phantom effect will also occur at similar frequency ranges. The mouse arrow is a common example of the phantom array effect.

Non-human species

The flicker fusion threshold also varies between speciesPigeons have been shown to have a higher threshold than humans (100 Hz vs. 75 Hz), and the same is probably true for all birds, particularly birds of prey. Many mammals have a higher proportion of rods in their retina than humans do, and, likely, they would also have higher flicker fusion thresholds. This has been confirmed in dogs.

Research also shows that size and metabolic rate are two factors that come into play: small animals with high metabolic rates tend to have high flicker fusion thresholds.

Lightning: Lightning Storage Harvesting

Kathale Sanchit Dilip, BE-B (Electrical) (

Lightning is a naturally occurring electrostatic discharge during which two electrically charged regions, both in the atmosphere or with one on the ground, temporarily neutralize themselves, causing the instantaneous release of an average of one gigajoule of energy. This discharge may produce a wide range of electromagnetic radiation, from the heat created by the rapid movement of electrons to brilliant flashes of visible light in the form of black-body radiation. Lightning causes thunder, a sound from the shock wave which develops as gases in the vicinity of the discharge experience a sudden increase in pressure. Lightning occurs commonly during thunderstorms as well as other types of energetic weather systems, but volcanic lightning can also occur during volcanic eruptions.

The three main kinds of lightning are distinguished by where they occur: either inside a single thundercloud (Intra-Cloud), between two different clouds (Cloud-to-Cloud), or between a cloud and the ground (Cloud-to-Ground). Many other observational variants are recognized, including “heat lightning”, which can be seen from a great distance but not heard; dry lightning, which can cause forest fires; and ball lightning, which is rarely observed scientifically. Humans have deified lightning for millennia. Idiomatic expressions derived from lightning, such as the English expression “bolt from the blue”, are common across languages. At all times people have been fascinated by the sight and difference of lightning. The fear of lightning is called astraphobia.

Lightning occurs when the charge builds up in a layer of cloud in the atmosphere, inducing an electric field between the earth and the clouds, which causes molecules in the air to become ionized, allowing the air to become a temporary conductor to discharge the natural capacitor. This build-up of charge occurs as a result of precipitation and the Convection currents selectively separating charges in a Thundercloud. The Elster-Geitel Model describes water droplets in the cloud traveling upwards as a result of convection (itself caused In part by the heat exerted by Vaporization) collecting positive charge from ice particles that have been polarized by an electric field. The polarization of the ice particle means the bottom is more positive than the top, so a neutral water droplet traveling upwards would collect some of its positive Charge. This would cause a separation between positive and negative charges in the cloud.

This process has positive feedback as the resulting voltage contributes to the electric field. Of course, an Electric field must exist beforehand, but only a small field is needed to trigger the process. A lightning occurrence that successfully hits the earth has a stepped leader, which is the first stroke that propagates. This stepped leader, which travels in a stream about 45 meters long, is caused by Ionization in the clouds when discharge occurs in the cloud layer, where there are differences in Potential. The electrons freed from this process are attracted to the ground. As the leader travels towards the earth it generates a channel of ionized air. Just as the negatively charged stepped leader reaches the earth, it attracts a positive charge from the surface of the earth towards it, inducing a large Current, causing the air surrounding the leader to become luminous. The positive charge then travels up this channel, illuminating the air as it goes. This is what is known as the return stroke and is what is visible to the observer. Even though the return stroke only illuminates the air while it is traveling, it is perceived as a solid line because it happens too quickly for human vision to see the movement. Due to the very intermittent properties of lightning Strikes and also hazards involved within it, very limited research has been conducted in Lightning energy harnessing areas Worldwide. However, the lightning-causing clouds have very high Charge density. So, an experimental study in a numerical Computational environment has been experimented with for Measuring the response characteristics of lightning sparks to store The energy by real-time environmental data collected from Various meteorological centers.

Figure 1:  Lighting Image captured from Tanhirl area of Aizawl city in Mizoram

The single-stage two-level spark Generator circuit has been used to simulate the presented system. Renewable energy is nowadays a most popular research topic worldwide. With standard sustainable power source Innovations like wind, hydro, solar, bio, and geothermal vitality, there are some inexhaustible advancements accessible which are still under evolving conditions, like tidal power. There is one more renewable energy source available, which is Lightning Energy. Lightning energy is a renewable resource produced from Natural lightning strikes. But due to hazards involved in Lightning research, very limited research data on lightning Energy is available worldwide. According to meteorological science, lightning was existing on earth long before life evolved on our planet. Researchers found proof of the existence of lightning before three billion years ago on this earth. This is likewise Obvious that lightning assumed a part in delivering the natural Particles fundamental for the development of each living thing The lightning occurred through a few steps, they are given Below: a) Cloud Formation b) Charge Separation c) Pilot Streamer d) Stepped Leader e) Discharge f) Return Stroke g) Dart Leader h) Re-Strike. In the literature, lightning does have useful energy, but practically storage of energy from lightning is a difficult task. Many researchers already had done some research work on it. No practical way has yet been found to harness the energy from lightning. As lightning is consisting of high-value electrostatically charged particles, there is always some Hazards possibility involved in the research of lightning. And Also, lightning is very intermittent in nature, so very limited Literature is available globally. A single lightning discharge conveys around 5 billion joules or about the vitality put away In 145 liters of petrol. Likewise, a lightning strike conveys around 5 billion joules on average over 10 microseconds, which Is equivalent to 500 trillion watts of power. India is not so numerous lightning ensuing country. Cherrapunji is the most lightning happening place in India. Cherrapunji is a sub-divisional town in the East Khasi Hills locale in the Indian territory of Meghalaya. Cherrapunji Has oft been considered similar to the wettest place on Earth, Yet for the time being close-by Mawsynram as of now holds that record. Cherrapunji gets downpours from the Bay of Bengal arm of the Indian summer rainstorm.

About Newsletter:


Content in the e-Newsletter is compiled by Prof. Dr. R. K. Munje. Suggestions and inputs leading to the improvement of this newsletter are highly welcomed. Please write on engg-,,

Newsletter Committee

Chief Editor:       Dr. Ravindra K. Munje, Professor and I/C HoD, Electrical Department

Staff Editor:        Prof. S. Saravanan, Assistant Professor

                              Prof. Priya Vyavahare, Assistant Professor

Student Editors:  Anuj Paul (BE-A)

                           Vedika Dharaskar (BE-A)

                           Sharvari Phase (BE-A)

                           Abhishek Jadhav (BE-A)

                           Rutuja Kapile (BE-A)

                           Vaibhav Dhanokar (TE-A)

                           Huzaif Sayyed (TE-A)


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e-Newsletter-January 2025

HOD's Message  Dear Students, Faculty, and Readers, As we step into 2025 with renewed enthusiasm, I take immense pride in reflecting on ...